Reference: 20/47-7000
Side A: (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
Recorded: January 16, 1957, Paramount Soundstage Studios, Hollywood, California
Author: Kal Mann & Bernie Lowe
Side B: Loving You
Recording: February 24, 1957, Radio Recorders studios in Hollywood, California
Author: Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller
Publication date: June 11, 1957
Single dedicated entirely to the soundtrack of the second film starring Elvis, including on its B-side the theme that gave the film its title, Loving You.
On January 12, 1957, Elvis entered Radio Recorders studios to record, among other things, the soundtrack for the movie Loving You. The recordings would go until February 24, making a parenthesis on January 15, 16, 17 and 18 when he would move to the Paramount studios to record more songs for the BSO of his second film. Elvis would surround himself with musicians like his regulars Scotty Moore, Bill Black and D.J. Fontana in addition to the guitar of “Tiny” Timbrell; Gordon Stoker, Hoyt Hawkins and Dudley Brooks on piano, George Fields on harmonica and the unmistakable voices of The Jordanaires.
Teddy Bear entered the charts on June 19, 1957, reaching number one on July 6 where it stayed for eight weeks. Finally, on January 4, 1958, it disappeared from the lists after 25 weeks of non-continuous permanence. It was also number 1 on the Rhythm & Blues and Country charts. The master was extracted from take thirteen.
Its side B, Loving You, knows more than one version in the voice of Elvis (Main version, Farm version and End version) recorded between January 17 and 22 and February 14, 1957. Finally, it takes four recorded on 24 February would be the one that would appear on the single and on the LP that included the BSO of the film. The theme, composed for Elvis by the legendary Leiber and Stoller, obtains number twenty-eight as its best position on Billboard. On the R&B charts it reaches number one.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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