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With his magic, his sensuality and his rebelliousness on stage, in his beginnings, Elvis raised the most unbridled passions, unleashing hysteria, euphoria, and madness among his fans, who put their physical integrity at risk. In his shows the women screamed, cried, moaned, fainted, writhed in the madness that that boy made them feel… His idol, his reference, his role model.

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The first mass idol. In the 50s, Elvis symbolized the forbidden and did so with his toupee, his sideburns, his sensuality and his pelvic movement, which caused the concern of many parents. 

Elvis loved hearing the screams and reactions of the fans. On stage they tried to get on to touch their idol, they wanted to touch him, they ripped off his clothes, they wanted to take something of his…

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After each performance he had to run to hide and be protected by his cast, bodyguards, friends and police. 

On May 13, 1955, at the end of a performance in Jacksonville, Florida, as Elvis waved goodbye from the ballpark stage, he joked and told the girls: 

Girls… I’ll wait for you in the Backstage….”

The truth is that it was not very successful on his part, since he was not aware of the consequences.

 The hysteria was tremendous.

 Biographer Peter Guralnick in “Last Train to Memphis” wrote how they immediately had to go after him. The police put him in the changing room of the bench, where Mae Boren Axton (Elvis’s friend and composer of Heartbreak Hotel) and the colonel, were doing the accounting of the performances.

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Mae recalls that fans began to pour in through an upper window that had been left open, inadvertently: “I heard feet, like a thunderous herd, and the next thing I knew I heard Elvis’s voice, coming from the reception area.the shower. I started running and three or four policemen started running too, but by the time we got there, several hundred fans had come in… Elvis was on top of one of the showers, embarrassed and scared, as if to say, what do I do?… “His shirt was torn and his coat was torn to shreds. They had even managed to remove his belt and socks.”

Elvis was slightly injured and had to receive care at the Hospital. 

Security measures had long since been insufficient. These events were repeated constantly and much more drastic measures had to be taken from then on. The effect that Elvis had on people was unstoppable.

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Information provided by ELVIS. El Chico De Tupelo.

Rosa Garcia Mora 



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