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Elvis Presley Anecdotes

Elvis, Lee Majors And Shelley Fabares in “Clambake”.

Lee: “…yeah, Elvis and I were great friends, and when I went to visit him on the set of ‘Clambake,’ Elvis was going to do a scene in a bar with Shelley Fabares, trying to pick her up or something, and in the back were these waiters wearing gold-trimmed hats and waistcoats and stuff.

So, I went and put one of those on, and then they put a mustache on me; so I’m clearing a table, and Elvis is about eight or ten feet away from where I’m clearing, and while he’s talking to Shelley, I’m knocking over glasses and stuff.

Finally, they said: ‘Cut!’

And he didn’t look around, he just shrugged, I think I did it three times in a row, and the third time he turned around and said, ‘…what the hell are you doing?’ [laughs.]

Well, the next take I did well, and you can see me back there. Yes, it’s me with the mustache, cleaning the table behind him.

They did a movie where he played cousins (‘Kissin’ Cousins), and he had to play a blonde one, so he did two roles and had to dye his hair blonde (actually he wore a wig).

Elvis Presley in “Kissin’ Cousins”

And his ‘Memphis Mafia’ kept joking with him: “…you look like that guy in ‘The Big Valley, Heath Barkley!’ (the character I played on the show).

So he called me ‘Double Trouble’ (?!?) and we used to play tricks on each other all the time.

Lee Majors

When Elvis Presley was on stage in Las Vegas at the old International Hotel, I’d come out from the other side of where he was singing, and he’d look at me and say, ‘…what the hell are you doing there?’

We did things like that all the time.
It’s a shame he dies so young.

PHOTOS: Lee Majors as Heath Barkley in Big Valley…he looks a lot like Elvis in Kissin’ Cousins. The other photo shows Lee’s cameo in Clambake.

Source: Elvis – Stories – Photos and more
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina

Note: Lee Majors will be at Elvis Week 2023

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