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Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977)

Por Rosa García Mora

In the early morning of August 16, 1977, Elvis had excitedly prepared the last details for his trip with his family and the boys in his entourage who had not yet left, to fly to Portland, Maine, and begin his new tour of concerts the next day. Elvis was very excited about this new tour and told his cousin Billy that it would be the best tour of his life…

Everything was ready in Portland waiting for Elvis to arrive, but Elvis never arrived… And his audience remained there in an endless wait, with their hopes dashed and their souls broken, looking at their tickets in disbelief.

I never made it to Portland, because his trip took another destination… the destination to eternity, the destination to immortality, to a very, very distant place, beyond the stars, where pain and suffering no longer existed, neither illness, nor crying, nor fear… A place where peace and eternal rest awaited him so that, even today, he could meet with all of us and stay and live in our lives forever. He traveled to reunite with the entire world, until the world is the world, and from there offer us that concert, its light and its music, eternally.

Today it is 46 years since you left us physically, but your music and your soul will always be present, as long as there are so many hearts in which you live and will live for all eternity.

You always thought that you were not going to be remembered, that the world would forget about you and your music. How wrong you were!

You changed the world and the course of history.
You united us with ties of invisible colors, which merge our feelings, without barriers, throughout the entire world.

Today in the immensity of the firmament, as every August 16, a new star will appear, which will continue to illuminate our path.

Thank you for giving meaning to our lives.

You will forever be our Boy from Tupelo.


Information provided by Elvis. El Chico de Tupelo. Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/elvis.elchicodetupelo


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