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Kurt Russell as Elvis Presley

With an extensive career in Hollywood with memorable titles, the American actor has had a professional career that, in one way or another, has sometimes been related to the figure of the king of rock as we are going to try to review in this short article. Kurt Vogel Russell was born on March 17, 1951 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Russell began his acting career at the young age of 11, participating in Walt Disney films and television series. It is even said that the last words spoken by Disney himself were “Kurt Russell.” In 1962 he crossed paths with Elvis Presley for the first time in his life when he participated in the filming of It Happened At The Words Fair, being his closest encounter with the singer since in one of the two scenes in which the little boy participated. Kurt kicks the king of rock himself in the shin. A brief encounter but one that would undoubtedly forever mark the career of the American actor with the figure of our idol.

Already in his adolescence, Russell would continue to be linked to the Disney brand, appearing in a series of films aimed at young audiences, playing the student Dexter Riley, the protagonist of incredible situations in the films.

In 1979 the second “meeting” between Kurt Russell and the figure of Elvis would come, this time as a biopic since the Memphis hero had died two years earlier. In the television film “Elvis”, Russell steps into the shoes of the king of rock himself, directed by the prestigious fantasy film director John Carpenter (curiously, the name that Elvis would use on occasion in the 70s to stay in hotels seeking anonymity). For filming, Vernon himself was asked to provide an authentic jumpsuit used by Elvis. Russell had the privilege of donning the Adonis Suit during the filming of the telefilm. Unfortunately, coinciding with Vernon’s death, the suit was never returned although luckily, it is currently on display at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas. In addition, Kurt Russell would end up marrying the actress who played the role of Priscilla, Season Hubley, a marriage that would end in divorce in 1983.

The actor’s next approach to the figure of Elvis would come in 1994 with the film Forrest Gump. Although Russell does not appear on stage, we can hear his voice. And it is the voice of none other than the young Elvis that the Gump family welcomes into their house one night and that little Forrest unconsciously teaches to move his legs. The actor who plays him is Peter Dobson, although his face is blurred at all times. The voice we hear, that of Kurt Russell.

In 2001, 3000 Miles To Graceland would arrive, where he shared the bill with Kevin Costner. In the film they play casino robbers who, to carry out their misdeeds, dress up as Elvis in the 70s. There is a very funny scene in the film when Kurt is dressed as Elvis inside an elevator and some girls give him a vinyl to sign it. Do you know which one? Of course, It Happened At The Words Fair… thus winking at the actor. By the way, our friend Greg Miller participates in this film, up on stage, precisely acting as an impersonator in one of the Las Vegas casinos where the thieves are going to carry out a robbery.

3000 Miles To Graceland, 2001

And to finish this small article about the eternal link between Kurt Russell and Elvis Presley, two anecdotal notes: In 2011 Russell participated in the film Touchback where the leading actor is called Brian PRESLEY; and soon the film The Hateful Eight will be released where Kurt shares the bill with Jennifer Jason Leigh, daughter of Vic Morrow, Shark in King Creole.

We do not know if the figure of Elvis will cross paths again in the professional life of Kurt Russell, what is clear is that since 1962, the year of filming of It Happened At The Words Fair, the shadow of Elvis has haunted the American actor. one way or another, making Elvis fans always have a special affection for him.

Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org

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