Elvis Presley Works at Crown Electric, While The Group Plays in Small Clubs
Sam Phillips, gives DJ Dewey Phillips of WHBQ radio located at the Chisca Hotel in Memphis, an acetate of Elvis’s new song. The Dewey Phillips show plays the song “That’s All Right Mama” time after time, before the avalanche of listeners asking about that song. Elvis is at the cinema at that moment, but his parents listen to the program and receive the call from the station with the intention of having Elvis appear on it. They finally manage to locate Elvis, who is impressed by the situation, but they agree to go to the station. Once there, somewhat nervous, he has an interview with Dewey Phillips. Faced with the new situation, Elvis, Scotty and Bill begin to perform together, with Scotty acting as the group’s manager. Since what they receive for their performances is not much.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org

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