ELVIS – MARCH 4, 1955
Elvis performed in De Kalb, Texas at the High School Gymnasium, and from that occasion, an incredibly rare promotional photo survives obtained by a young woman who attended the show, signed by Elvis, Scotty Moore, Bill Black, Floyd Cramer, and Jimmy Day. The photo was auctioned and sold on worthpoint.com

“…to tell you the truth, I don’t remember much about the concert itself, but I will always remember the excitement of Elvis placing his photo on my back to sign!”
Although there is no list of the songs he sang that night, we do know the songs from the next day, March 5 at the ‘Louisiana Hayride’, Municipal Auditorium, from Shreveport, Louisiana:
Tweedlee Dee, Money Honey, Hearts Of Stone, Shake Rattle And Roll, Little Mama, You’re A Heartbreaker

Source: ourdailyelvis/keithflynn.com
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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