Por Rosa García Mora
When motivation, enthusiasm and the desire to give everything to an audience that had been waiting for eight years for the delicious taste of adrenaline, sexuality and the wild strength of their idol overflow, the result cannot be other than that of an Elvis. that erupted like a volcano, in what was its first season in the “Entertainment Capital of the World.”
In his excellent and well-worked repertoire of this first season, Elvis included the song “My Babe.”
It was one of the novelties that was included in the album “Elvis In Person” which was a project by RCA to launch Elvis’s first live album. For this purpose, recordings of their performances from this first season at the International Hotel in Las Vegas were collected, which also achieved a magnificent sound for that time. The song was originally released on the double album “From Memphis to Vegas, from Vegas to Memphis”, before the album “In Person” was released individually as such.
The song was composed by blues great Willie Dixon with Charles Stone, and is an adaptation of the spiritual song “This Train” that Sister Rosetta Tharpe wrote in the 1940s.
The song was originally recorded in 1954 by the great Little Walter, blues harmonica player, singer and guitarist, considered one of the greatest and most influential blues performers and builder of the Chicago sound.
Elvis’ version of “My Babe,” which appears on the album, is from Monday, August 25, 1969 on the Midnight Show.
A performance with an overwhelming and absolutely wild force by Elvis, on his return to the stage, after too much time away from the adrenaline of the live show and the warmth of the audience that he so needed.
Elvis begins the song with laughter, fun and jokes… and suddenly and unceremoniously, Larry Muhoberac‘s piano and the rest of the brilliant musicians – James Burton, John Wilkinson, Charlie Hodge, Jerry Scheff and Ronnie Tutt – take on the song, with a spectacular strength and rage… Elvis starts the song as the very personification of power, fury and rage; with a vehement impetuosity and fierceness that takes his breath away. Elvis enjoys and makes us enjoy.
The Bobby Morris orchestra, The Sweet Inspirations and The Imperials, are not far behind either and shine with their own light, like tinsel.
And, since I’m running out of words, all we have to do is put on our headphones, press play and feel it… with the certainty that our breath will also be taken away. Awesome!.
Information provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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