During the months of January and March 1963, recording and filming began for Elvis’s 13th film “Fun in Acapulco“, set in Mexico and featuring Ursula Andres. It is around this time, while Elvis is filming in Hollywood, Priscilla arrives in Memphis with her father, El Capitan Beaulieu, to meet Elvis. Finally they are convinced of the singer’s good intentions. Priscilla will attend high school in Memphis where she will graduate on May 29, 1963, five days after turning 18 years of age.
“It Happened At The World’s Fair” premiered nationally on April 10, 1963 and achieved good results in terms of box office, although its plot is the most frivolous of all Elvis films to date. The soundtrack with “One Broken Heart For Sale“, among other songs, manages to reach number #4 on the album charts.

In July 1963 Elvis began recording and filming “Viva Las Vegas” for MGM, co-starring Ann-Margret. It will be his fifteenth film and one of the most recognized of his entire career. Although it was recorded before “Kissin’ Cousins“, it will actually be the latter that will be released first.
The attraction between Elvis and Margret is instant. In October 1963 Elvis began filming and recording the soundtrack for his next film, “Kissin’ Cousins.” It is around this time that Elvis also receives his second degree black belt, specifically on October 17, 1963. He will carry this accreditation in his wallet until his death. Filming for “Kissin’ Cousins” ends on November 14.
Elvis (who is with Ann-Margret at the time) is devastated when President Kennedy is assassinated on November 22.
“Fun in Acapulco” opens nationwide on November 27, 1963 and quickly becomes number five on the highest-grossing films. The soundtrack also (which incorporates as bonus tracks, songs from the Nashville recordings of June ’63) goes to the top five on the pop charts. At this point, Elvis dedicates practically all his time to filming movies, leaving aside in a certain sense his musical career, with which he had achieved success.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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