On August 2, 1965, Elvis recorded the soundtrack for his 21st film under the title, “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” and then went to Hawaii for location filming. It was a new film for Paramount Pictures and produced by Hal B.Wallis. Wallis may have decided to return to Hawaii in search of the success of 1961, but now in 1966 things have changed a lot.
During a break in filming, he takes the opportunity to visit the USS Arizona Memorial. The visit is covered by the press and he asks Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii that the visit be recognized in the Congressional Record. Elvis returns to Hollywood to finish filming the movie. During this month, “I’m Yours” reaches number #11 on the Billboard charts, while the LP “Elvis For Everyone” with songs from different recording sessions and intended to celebrate Elvis’ 10 years as an RCA artist, reaches number #10.
On August 27, 1965, The Beatles visit Elvis for several hours at his California home and have an informal jam session. This is a private visit to which the press is not aware. Everything is prepared by Col. Tom Parker and the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein.

On September 30, 1965, Elvis finished filming “Paradise Hawaiian Style.” The song “Puppet on a String“, from the soundtrack of Girl Happy, was released as a single in October 1965, reaching number 14 on the Billboard charts. Bill Black, the bassist with whom Elvis became famous in the middle of The 50’s dies on October 21, 1965 due to a brain tumor. Elvis decides not to attend the funeral for fear of interrupting the service. In a newspaper interview Elvis will comment “Bill was a great man and person whom we all loved.”
“Harum Scarum” premiered nationally on November 25, 1965, reaching number 11 at the box office. For its part, the soundtrack reached number 8, finishing at number 40 by the end of the year. December, Priscilla gives Elvis an electric golf car, mainly because Elvis has been spending many hours with this new hobby. Elvis’ entourage of friends gives him a statue of Jesus for his new Meditation Garden.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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