Inside “Loving You”
By Rosa García Mora
“I was fascinated by the way Elvis recorded on film, never worrying about arrangements, he and his guys would play spontaneously, getting better and better, improvising and working out numbers for hours. Finally, Elvis rehearsed each number from beginning to end. For long nights… night after night, I watched and listened, fascinated. “I never said a word, I just watched.”
Hal Wallis (producer of Loving you)
Production on the film began on January 21, 1957, and was completed in early March.
It was produced by Hal Wallis and directed by Hal Kanter for Paramount.
“Loving You” was presented in Memphis on July 10, 1957, at the Strand Theater.
Elvis did not attend that performance, instead, he later took Anita Wood and his parents to a private screening that took place at midnight.
It would premiere nationally on July 30, 1957.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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