“SPANISH EYES” – Lake Tahoe, 1974.
By Rosa García Mora
On May 16, 1974, after a short five-concert tour in California, Elvis began his third season in Lake Tahoe, at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel. He was in very good physical and vocal shape, in good spirits and gave a splendid repertoire.
On Friday, May 24th, at the Midnight Show, Elvis gave an excellent concert. Elvis was happy to be in Lake Tahoe, instead of Las Vegas, and was in a very good mood since they had celebrated Linda Thompson’s birthday party the night before.
During the concert Elvis accepted a personal request for the song “Spanish Eyes”, something he did not usually do. And here came the highlight of the concert, the performance of the key song of the night: “Spanish Eyes”.
“We have a request for someone’s birthday. I would like to dedicate this song to Linda for her birthday. She wants to hear “Blue Spanish Eyes” said Elvis. Obviously he was dedicating the song to his girlfriend Linda Thompson for her birthday.
A superb performance, full of charm, sweetness and feeling, with a beautiful duet with Sherrill Nielsen, the musicians were impeccable, with a wonderful instrumental performance by the Al Tronti Orchestra, but the most beautiful of all was the imposing Latin trumpet solo! (minute 2:40), something that when I heard it for the first time, made me shudder, a true wonder.
Elvis also added a full verse to the song, a verse he had not recorded in his 1973 studio version. Which adds another magical moment to the song.
For me, one of the best Elvis shows in Lake Tahoe. Everything was in place, Elvis was in an excellent mood and gave us an unforgettable gem with that “Spanish Eyes” and those heavenly sounding trumpets.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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