Everyone knows the popular television series “Bonanza.” And younger people may have heard of it too. A western set in the American West that aired on NBC from September 12, 1959, to January 16, 1973. Bonanza was the first hour-long television series to be filmed in color.
The series chronicled the adventures of the Cartwright family, led by a widowed patriarch named Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene). Ben had three biological sons, each by a wife. The eldest, Adam, was an architect (Pernell Roberts) who built the house on the ranch “The Ponderosa”; the second was the amiable giant Eric, better known by his nickname, “Hoss” (Dan Blocker); and the youngest was the impetuous “Little Joe” (Michael Landon).
Elvis Presley was a big fan of the television series “Bonanza” and enjoyed watching its episodes. And as a fan of the series, I felt a great affinity towards its characters. Through this circumstance Elvis came to know the actors and protagonists of the series.
Elvis met Dan Blocker, at Dan’s request – who played the character of “Hoss Cartwright” in the series – in the spring of 1963, at the Paramount Studios, Hollywood. And they took some photos together, in their cordial meeting on the set of “Fun In Acapulco”.

He also had a meeting, at Elvis’ request, with actor Lorne Green, whose first role on American television was that of Ben “Pa” Cartwright, the loyal patriarch of the family. The meeting took place at Metro-Goldwing-Mayer, on the set of the film “Double Trouble” in the summer of 1966.
The three of them admired each other and fortunately had the opportunity to meet. Two cordial meetings from which these photographs remain for history.
Information provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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