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On September 2, 1957, a large crowd of people collapsed Union Station, the Multnomah Hotel and the gates of Multnomah Stadium in Portland, Oregon. 

The reason was that the most famous artist of the moment, Elvis Presley, had come to his city.

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They were moved by each word, each gesture, each breath, of the famous artist who would arrive there to break their routine, monotonous and conservative life. 

And that miracle had a name: Elvis Presley.

Elvis offered a massive press conference for radio and television, lasting half an hour, at the Multnomah Athletic Club, prior to the show that he would perform at the Multnomah Civic Stadium in Portland, Oregon, on September 2, 1957. 

Before decking himself out in his gold lamé jacket to enter the stadium, Elvis appeared impeccably dressed in black pants and shoes, a white shirt with a handsome black and silver tie pin fastened, and a smart light blue tuxedo. His presence was impeccable.

Following the press conference, Elvis, Scotty Moore, Bill Black and DJ Fontana performed a show, which was their last stop on a five-city tour. It was his second tour that year. 

The more than 14,000 crazed fans who attended the show would shout and chant: ‘We want Elvis! We want Elvis!

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Elvis was able to complete a forty-minute show only after the police quelled the conditions of serious riot caused by the fans. 

Elvis was dazzling, writhing on stage, raising passion and hysteria in the audience. 

Elvis in his golden jacket, with lapels embellished with rhinestones, enchanted and drove his fans crazy. A frenzy, ecstasy and deafening screaming took over the show, until it became an outburst of uncontrollable emotions when at the end of the concert he performed “Hound Dog“.

The “Portland Journal” the day after the show described the show thus: “A gold suit, an oft-played guitar and the loveliest sideburns in rock. Rotating and simply stunning.

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 The rock and roll allure that once changed this world was dropped directly on thousands of hysterical Portland teens Monday. How they loved Elvis!

 From the moment his convertible slid down the runway, and the glittering sleeve of his gold lamé suit that wrapped around his arm billowed out onto the stage, the deafening tumult of his fans filled the Portland air.

When the concert began, as usual, it was almost impossible to tell which of her songs she was singing. Each movement caused more screams and more ecstasy, in the public.

When the show ended and he said goodbye, Elvis hurried to his convertible. 

Those 14,000 people continued to scream wildly, but suddenly what no one wanted to hear was heard: “Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building” 

All was silent. A silence as deafening as the show…

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Only the land remained. That land that Elvis knelt on. Many of his fans came down from the stands for a handful, after Elvis left the stadium. That handful of dirt would be the amulet that would always remind them that Elvis was there.

With each concert, with each performance, Elvis was forging the history of music and the socio-cultural history of America. Young people now had a reference in the artist who would become the cultural icon of the 20th century. The star that revolutionized the United States and spread its message throughout the world.

 In the following video you can see Elvis’s arrival in Portland and the press conference:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZVefxlvmIc]

Information provided by ELVIS.  El Chico De Tupelo

Rosa Garcia Mora



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