These rehearsals were one of several held for Elvis’ performance in his third season at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, from August 10 to September 8, 1970.
Nearly fifty minutes of footage exists from this day. Elvis conducted his rehearsal in the main Showroom of the International Hotel, with his musicians, backup singers and The Joe Guercio Orchestra. This was Guercio’s first engagement with Elvis, so the focus turned to more elaborate songs.
The mood between the boys was very good, and very professional between them. Just a few jokes from Lamar Fike, Joe Esposito and members of the Memphis Mafia, provide moments of humor.
It’s fun to watch Elvis have a good time, but his concentration seems a little diluted by his presence.

One of the big moments was while working on “Polk Salad Annie.
Since Elvis never officially recorded it, “Oh Happy Day” was the highlight of this session. Gospel music always brought out the best in Elvis and the group, and this day was no exception. The combination of The Sweet Inspiration and The Imperials was used flawlessly, but this was another stellar song that, as far as can be determined, is only used onstage once.
Other of the best moments would be “Words”, “Twenty Days & Twenty Night”, “Patch It Up”, etc.).

These rehearsals would be filmed for the documentary film “That’s The Way It Is”, where we are shown a natural Elvis, rehearsing, enjoying and making his musicians enjoy, spontaneously with his great sense of humor, being just as he was on and off stage.
Here is the link for “Oh Happy Day”:
Information provided by ELVIS. El Chico de Tupelo
Rosa Garcia Mora
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