Elvis Presley Radio Station
After the television special, Elvis returns to Los Angeles and prepares for his next season in Las Vegas. The concerts will begin on January 26, 1973 and will end on February 23. The artist’s attitude drops off a notch, perhaps motivated by the return to routine and concerts. The concerts will be based on the repertoire he performed in Hawaii, with some new additions.
While in Las Vegas, on January 28, the film “Elvis on Tour” wins a Golden Globe along with “Walls Of Fire” for best documentary of 1972. The award makes Elvis proud of his work. Also in Las Vegas, Elvis presents boxer Muhammad Ali with a robe made especially for Ali’s upcoming title fight with Joe Bugner. Ali gave Elvis his signed boxing gloves.
On March 1, 1973, Elvis and Colonel Parker sell the rights to Elvis and his music to RCA and sign a new seven-year recording contract with RCA. Elvis and Colonel Parker also sign a new management contract, sharing profits 50-50.
On April 4, 1973, the special “Aloha From Hawaii” is shown on American television for the first time and attracts 57% of the audience. Elvis Presley’s paternal grandfather, Jessie, dies on April 19, 1973 of a heart attack in Louisville. That same April, Elvis goes on an eight-city concert tour. From May 4 to 16, Elvis begins a new engagement at the Sahara Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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