EDITED APR 30, 1968
Published in May 1968, Speedway was the new soundtrack for the film that Elvis had filmed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The umpteenth soundtrack that contained low-quality songs and to complete the album was filled with bonus tracks. On this occasion the extra songs came from different recording sessions and years. Songs like Mine, Western Union or Goin’ Home gave another nuance to the entire album and failed to give it any meaning or context. At the height of 1968, these types of launches did not cause the slightest impact or interest.
Elvis’ film contracts were about to come to an end, so the way Elvis’s recording career was run needed to take a turn.
That same year, 1968, it became public that Elvis would make a television special for NBC. Returning to the Speedway LP, it reached number 82 on the Billboard charts and sales were approximately 200,000 copies.
Infomation provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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