By Rosa García Mora
Happy Birthday!!
How difficult it is to express feelings when they are stronger than words.
Today is your birthday. But for us it is one more celebration, like every day, every hour or every minute, in which you give us calm, peace and strength to move forward, every time we spin our vinyl, our CDs or turn on the TV, and there you are. and your music.
And who better to express these feelings than a child. Elvis’s stepbrother, Billy, emotionally tells us his memories of him and what a day on Elvis’s birthday could be like.

Billy tells us that Elvis didn’t really like people throwing a big party or putting on a show for his birthday. He always preferred to give gifts than receive them. On his birthday in 1965, Billy was 12 years old, his brother Ricky was 12, and his other brother, David, was 10 years old. The little ones wanted to give Elvis something very special. And with that excitement that only children are capable of feeling, they began to make plans to see what gift they could give him. The children knew that Elvis loved cars, so they decided to build some models for him themselves. They each chose a different car, assembled and painted them themselves, then put them in shoe boxes and wrapped them in gift wrap. When the time came, they gave them to Elvis, who opened them, smiled and hugged them with great tenderness, and told all the guests and family present that those were the best gifts he had received that year.
When all the guests left the house and everything returned to normal, the four of them were left alone. Elvis asked the three children to go with him to his room, took the cars and placed them very carefully on his desk. They sat and talked for a while, as they usually did. Elvis stared at the cars and his eyes filled with tears. He asked the children to come with him to where he was sitting, behind his desk, then he hugged them again and said, “You are the best birthday present I have ever received.” The children, also excited, smiled at him and said: “Happy birthday, Elvis”…

And we join them and the beauty of the moment, to also wish you a happy birthday.
We don’t know what wish you will make today when you blow out the candles. But we do know that we will all be around you to turn them off with you and, like the little ones did, we will put our hearts in a shoe box as a birthday gift.
Today 89 years ago you appeared in the form of a new star in the sky and a new heart began to beat.
But that star and its heart beat above the eventualities of this world, and they will never stop beating, because you will be remembered, lived and heard for all eternity.
Happy Heavenly Birthday Elvis!
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora
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