“In the world of music…”
By Rosa García Mora
In the world of music, like that of all arts, there are great people, artists who are born with a gift and who are capable of leaving their mark on us with their music, with their compositions, with their interpretations.
All areas of art, songs, books, paintings… fill our little lives and give them a different meaning. They give us new ways of understanding our lives and our experiences, and they associate themselves with our experiences so that we can never separate them from ourselves. The artist’s pain, his joy, his feelings, his deepest fears… are projected onto them and transferred to us.
Elvis, in that he was a great master.
Fame and fortune, how empty they could be for him and, on the contrary, how much his life was filled with the immense love and understanding that he received and continues to receive from his audience and his fans.
Larry Geller, Elvis’s hairdresser and spiritual advisor, was asked by people what Elvis was like and he always responded: “Don’t listen to anyone, not even me, listen to his music, just listen to his voice. If you want to know who Elvis was he will answer you.”
Elvis opens his soul to us without armor, he gives us something that has no qualifiers, something indecipherable… but that something already makes you his forever.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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