By Rosa García Mora
For Elvis Presley, January 16, 1971 would be one of the most important days of his artistic and personal life. That day he received recognition for his life’s work, not only as an artist, but also as a person, since he had contributed to his country with his music, his talent, his generosity and his contribution to making people a little happier the rest.
On January 16, 1971, Elvis received the Jaycee Award. Elvis lived an unforgettable day where various events were held that culminated in a nighttime awards banquet, where he, along with nine other chosen people, accepted the honor of being named “One of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation, by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Jaycees.” The most beloved award for Elvis of his entire career.
This national honor has been awarded each year since the late 1930s. The award recognizes young people who have made great achievements in their field of endeavor and work. It also rewards humanitarianism and community service. Scientists, artists, filmmakers, politicians, and men of greatness in all areas have been selected for this award over the years, men like John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, or Howard Hughes, to name a few.
Elvis was very nervous and at the same time moved and very proud to be worthy of this award. For him and for all who receive it, it is an incomparable honor that is bestowed upon them.
When it was time to give his speech Elvis was very nervous, excited, moved and deeply proud, with his voice insecure; But that award housed all of his dreams, all of his desires, since the recognition given to him as a human being was equal to, or greater than, that given to him as an artist. Therefore, for Elvis there could be no greater recognition than this.
After a gala dinner and after the speech of the future president George Bush, the time comes for Elvis to read his speech, and he does so quoting the song, by his beloved Roy Hamilton, “Without A Song”:
”When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. He read comics and I was the hero of the comic.
I watched movies, and I was the hero of the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times over. These gentlemen over there, they’re the kind of people who care, they’re dedicated. You realize that if it is not possible that they could be building the Kingdom of Heaven, it is not far from the truth. I learned very early in life that: ”Without a song, the day would never end; Without a song, a man has no friend; Without a song, the road would never bend; without a song…, so I keep singing a song. Good night. Thank you“.
It is impossible to describe Elvis’ emotion while he gave his speech and collected his most beloved award. It was so important to him that he even carried it with him when he traveled, and always showed it off proudly.
Elvis was always a dreamer, not only as a child, he always dreamed of being able to achieve, through his music and his works, contribute to making others happy. And with this award, he was thus recognized.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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