By Mahnuel Muñoz
On February 7, 1976, Elvis recorded the song “Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain” in the “Jungle Room” at Graceland, an old ballad that Fred Rose wrote in 1945, so it was probably one of those melodies that the king always carried in his heart, waiting for the perfect moment to come out through his lips. The piece had been covered by a multitude of artists – the first to record it was Elton Britt with his group The Skytoppers, in February 1947 -, but the most successful reading had seen the light in 1975, in the hands and voice of Willie Nelson, within of the impressive album “Red-Headed Stranger”.
Elvis gives the song an air of sad abandonment, his voice sounds lacking in energy, full of boredom and bitterness and in some way it is an appropriate approach to the lyrics, dedicated to a farewell watered down with the cry of the owner of the blue eyes and the inclement sky.
The dramatic charge of the song is enhanced by the fact that, apparently, it was the last song that Elvis sang, sitting at the piano, in the early morning of August 16, 1977, before closing his beautiful blue eyes forever.
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