“…I think he was the most beautiful man God has never created. His skin was perfect, his nose was perfect, he was like a Greek god. I remember sometimes staying up at night and just looking at his face.
In the summer of 1972, when I met him, Elvis was in his prime. He was thirty-seven years old, 6’3″ tall, and quite thin, probably weighing around 170 pounds.
He had an incredible physique, he was perfection incarnate. She had incredibly long eyelashes. The depth and intensity of the blue in Elvis’s eyes were intoxicating. Elvis’s eyes told his story and could be as changeable as his personality.
They were beautiful.
Elvis would kiss me, and the fullness and tenderness and sweetness of his absolutely perfect lips was like kissing marshmallows. Her lips really were that sweet and soft.
He was the most fascinating kisser, very sensual and intense.
I’ll probably love him until the day I die, I’m sure I will. “There is always a place in my heart for him.”
LINDA THOMPSON https://www.facebook.com/linda.diane.thompson
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