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Elvis Presley, January 1964… Elvis Presley’s career has always been defined by numbers, big numbers. In a January 15, 1964 article, ‘Variety’ used some big numbers to evaluate Elvis’ career up to that point. The article began with the following paragraph.

“…his imminent professional demise has been predicted every year since his dynamic arrival on the showbiz scene in 1956; Elvis Presley arrives in 1964 as the most robust corpse in existence, with an estimated gross income to date of USD 20,000,000.” (151,401,430 in 2025!)

Variety then came out to reveal one big Presley number after another. According to RCA Victor figures released the previous week, Elvis’s single album sales during his eight years with the company totaled $49.3 million. He had also sold 11 million LPs and 12 million EPs. The 15 films in which he had appeared between 1956 and 1963 had generated an estimated $75 million at the box office.

Colonel Parker told Variety that Elvis had received $1.5 million in direct salary for his two 1963 films, ‘It Happened At the World’s Fair’ and ‘Fun in Acapulco,’ and that he still had 50% of profits above that.

Where did all that movie money go? Parker explained that the William Morris agency took 10% of the total, while Elvis took 75% and the Colonel took 25% of the rest. In response to criticism that his share was too large, the Colonel explained that at least half of what he received from Elvis was reinvested in the business, for office expenses, advertising and promotion. Elvis’s share, according to Parker, went “straight to the accountants in Memphis.”

The Colonel also explained that he had turned down all television offers, which amounted to up to $150,000, and personal appearances, estimated to be between $75,000 and $100,000 a week, because he said Elvis did not have time to do them.

Source: Various

Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina

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