By Rosa García Mora
On July 15, 1970, we see Elvis during rehearsals, working on new material, for his upcoming shows in Las Vegas, in what would be his third season.
These rehearsals took place in Hollywood, at the MGM studios, Culver City, California. The rehearsals were one of several filmed for the documentary film “That’s The Way It Is.”
The film fragments that were filmed this day last around half an hour, and almost one hundred minutes of audio were recorded. Elvis was very focused on working this day, but even so, he is more relaxed than at rehearsals in August. As always happens, when we listen to Elvis rehearsing or recording, we see two aspects in him, which merge into one: the first is the material that is being seriously worked on, and the second are the songs that, as is usual for him, they appear in his head, and he gives us wonderful improvisations.

We can always see in him a mix of fun and enjoyment, which alternate with moments of great intimacy and interpretative grandeur, when Elvis gets into the song. But always enjoying his work, which was his life: music…
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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