On August 7, 1968, Elvis records the song and begins filming his 29th movie, “Charro!”, a spaghetti western that was very popular at the time. Elvis is initially very happy with the project presented to him, but gradually realizes that he will not be able to give a great performance. For the movie, Elvis grows a beard to look more like the character. The movie’s main theme will be heard over the opening credits, but there will be no other Elvis songs. This will be the first and only movie in which Elvis will not sing on camera.
In October 1968, Elvis recorded the soundtrack and began filming his 30th movie, again for Metro Goldwyn Mayer titled “The Trouble With The Girls” which was finished in December. In this movie he sings again, but in very natural situations, unlike in previous films. Although the quality of the movie can be debated, it is another very different movie from the typical Elvis one.
On October 23, 1968, “Live A Little, Love A Little” was released in national theaters.
In November 1968, “If I Can Dream” was released, reaching a not inconsiderable #12, one of the best positions in recent years and which brought him significant sales. Meanwhile, the album featuring Elvis in his special entitled “Elvis” was a strong hit, also reaching #8 on the pop charts. Sales were good, as were the reviews. Everything seems to indicate that the journey through the desert is over and that Elvis has a clear path to resume his musical career.

On December 3, 1968, “Elvis,” now popularly known as the 1968 Comeback Special, airs on NBC television and is one of the biggest television hits of the year, receiving 40% of the audience and rave reviews from audiences and critics alike.
In a review of the show, writer John Landau says, “There’s something magical about watching a man who’s lost himself find his way back home… He sang with a kind of power that people don’t expect from rock’n’roll singers.”
Years later, rock writer Greil Marcus recalls saying, “It was the best music of his life. If ever there was music that bled, this was it.”
“Elvis,” the 1968 TV special, is regarded as one of the truly great television moments in rock music history.
After this show, everything changes for Elvis. He pours renewed creative energy into his recording work, his film obligations will soon be over and he will be able to return full-time to his music and concerts, thus beginning a new and exciting era of his career. His stardom is about to reach its peak.
In December 1968 Elvis agrees to a contract with the International Hotel on December 19. This will be Lisa’s first Christmas and Vernon dresses up as Santa Claus for the occasion.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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