The Elvis Presley phenomenon
I read comic books and I was a comic book hero ,” Elvis said at the 1970 Ten Most Outstanding Young Americans awards ceremony.
The appearance of Elvis Presley on the music market in the mid-1950s not only turned the entire music industry upside down, but also initiated a true socio-cultural revolution on an unprecedented scale. Almost overnight, this previously unknown truck driver became a symbol of massive changes. A man whom millions of his fans began to follow. A man who began to dictate new trends not only in music but also in the way of dressing and stage behavior. He was the first artist to be censored by television. The first singer in history to play an unplagged concert and finally the first singer to play a satellite concert broadcast around the world.
Elvis has become a cultural phenomenon and there is probably no field of art in which you cannot find references to him or his work. Over the years, Presley has been inspired (and made the hero of their works) not only by other musicians, but also by painters, sculptors, writers, poets and even comic book creators!
And it is the latter that Nigel Patterson’s latest book, “Elvis. Hero Of The Comic Books.”
The author, currently the administrator of the popular Australian website Elvis Information Network, in his extensive, 450-page volume (the size of an FTD book) collected and carefully described over four hundred titles of comics and graphic publications (the oldest from over seventy years ago), which, in less or more indirectly, they make Elvis Presley their hero.
The reader will find everything here, both illustrated biographies of the singer and fictional stories in which Elvis (or his caricature) appears. “Overall, I wanted to appreciate an aspect of Elvis’s career and influence that has not yet been well documented ,” said the author in an interview with Kees Mouven of Elvis Day By Day.
The aforementioned Kees Mouven is also responsible for the graphic part of the book, which is truly impressive. It is worth mentioning that as many as six hundred photographs and various types of graphics were used in the publication!
I highly recommend this book!
(Info: Day By Day/Elvis Information Network/Mariusz Ogieg?o)
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