On January 26, 1972, Elvis began another successful engagement at the Las Vegas Hilton. The reviews were very good, thanks in part to a repertoire that included many new songs and also to Elvis’s increasingly better voice. After the season in Las Vegas ended and after a short period of rest, on April 3, Metro Goldyn Mayer began recording Elvis in the Hollywood recording studio and then off-stage during his 15-city concert tour.
MGM would use the material for another documentary called “Elvis on Tour” that would show everything that happened on one of the Memphis artist’s tours.
Between the films there was also time for a mini recording session, held at RCA’s Studio C on Sunset Boulevard, where songs such as Burning Love, Separate Ways and Always On My Mind were recorded, among others. In April, the gospel album “He Touched Me” was released to good reviews. The album earned Elvis his second Grammy Award, this time for “Best Inspirational Performance.”
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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