By Rosa García Mora
The actress Hannerl Melcher, a beautiful woman, a good friend of Elvis and who held the title of Miss Austria, met Elvis in Las Vegas in November 1957.
In December, Hannerl would visit Elvis at Graceland for Christmas of that same year, with her roommate, Kathy Gabriel, who was Miss Ohio also in 1957 in the “Miss USA” pageant. Hannerl would be the representative of Austria in the ”Miss Universe” pageant. Both beauty pageants took place on July 19, in Long Beach, California.

A little more than two years later, in 1960, they would meet again, and we were able to see her on the big screen with Elvis, as Melcher played a small role in the film “GI Blues”, by director Norman Taurog, the first film that Elvis made. after his service in the army.
In the film she was a traveling singer who appeared during one of the dates that the protagonists, Tulsa (Elvis) had with Lili (Juliet Prowse).

Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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