“…Elvis Presley still has the ability to surprise his audience. His hair is now elegantly long, her style is a little more toned down, but her ability to relate to an audience remains unchanged.
Elvis Presley, the entertainer who made the pelvis a national cliché in the 1950s, brought his music to San Antonio on Tuesday night. And the result was a sold-out performance, a few deafening screams and an example of Presley’s musical appeal.
Elvis Presley is a showman, a good one, and Tuesday’s audience reflected his continuing appeal.
Elvis was worried about looking good as an MGM crew was going to film parts of the tour and make ‘The Greatest Elvis Movie Ever Made‘.
The extreme starvation diet made Elvis lose a few kgs, but he did not look well during the tour: his face was swollen, he looked tired, and the separation from Priscilla was such a hard blow for Elvis that he was unable to put his whole soul into the performance“.
Despite this, the concerts were of very high quality; the orchestra now performed better than ever on the tour, and the repertoire consisted of musical pearls such as ‘How Great Thou Art‘, ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water‘, ‘You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling‘, ‘You Gave Me A Mountain‘ – and not least ‘An American Trilogy‘, which was included for the first time on the tour.
Source: Elvis.com.au
Photo: The Concert Years de Stein Erik Skar
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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