Interview with Dick Grob* conducted by our friend Arjan Deelen.
AD: In your opinion, why did Elvis never tour Europe?
DG: Elvis wanted to play in several cities in Europe. The main reason why he didn’t do it before was that we hadn’t found any large arenas or closed auditoriums. Considering the high cost of having to put on such a show, ticket prices had to be raised, and Elvis was against raising them.
What’s more, for the tour that never materialized, it was the first time that Elvis agreed to raise prices to $17 per ticket. Other artists were already charging $30.00.
Elvis had really liked the stadium he used for “Aloha From Hawaii.”
So, three or four of us traveled to Europe to check out different locations, security arrangements, and accommodations.
The plan included a stop in London for a show, Paris, Berlin and Moscow also for a show, and finally Tokyo.
While there were plenty of outdoor stadiums that could accommodate large crowds, the weather was an issue. When planning a show a year in advance, it’s impossible to know what the weather will be like at the time of the show.
There is no other reason than those I’m telling you why that tour has not taken place. Unfortunately this did not materialize due to Elvis’ death.

AD: There are those who say that Colonel Parker could not go to Europe and that is why Elvis never went.
DG: That is totally false! The Colonel could go to Europe with an American passport.
The tour could also have gone to Europe without the Colonel, and everything could have been arranged over the phone like we did in the United States when touring. Many times, the Colonel traveled a day ahead of us and we communicated by telephone.
The tour to Europe presented no other problems for Elvis, the Colonel could arrange everything, just as he did in the United States.
AD: What do you think of Colonel Parker?
DG: I think he doesn’t get all the credit he deserves.
AD: Many accuse the Colonel of doing so many concerts and tours.
DG: However, I was present when Elvis told the Colonel to arrange more tours or he would hire a new manager. So the Colonel booked more tours.
Elvis and the Colonel had a working agreement that they both felt comfortable with.
Some say that the Colonel made a lot of money from the 50% deal, but this is not true either.
Many artists pay 30% to the manager, plus 10% to the press officer, then another 10% to the merchandise handler, and another 10% for other “miscellaneous” items. While the Colonel handled all these tasks for Elvis and shared the profits equally, other artists paid 60% or more for the same work.
The Colonel was a man of his word. If he said he was going to do something, he did it; a handshake with the Colonel was a contract, and he kept it.
The Colonel never wrote about Elvis, never gave interviews about Elvis, and never took on any other artist as a manager, even after Elvis’s death.
AD: Would the Colonel have been as successful without Elvis?
DG: Probably yes, since he had managed big artists before taking Elvis, and he left them when he signed Elvis.
- Dick Grob was with Elvis for over 10 years. He was his personal bodyguard and Head of Security on every tour and every performance. After Elvis’ death, he served as Director of Security for the family, working directly for Elvis’ father, Vernon Presley.
Source: Arjan Dielen / EIN
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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