Edited 31-Oct-1972. Album, RCA Studio C Los Angeles – Radio Recorders
- No More
- Am I Ready
- Guadalajara
- Santa Lucía
- Burning Love
- Tender Feeling
- We’ll Be Together
- I Love Only One Girl
- It’s A Matter Of Time
- Tonight Is So Right For Love
Released in November 1972, “Burning Love And Hits From His Movies Vol. 2” was the sequel to the LP that the Camden label had released months earlier. The only difference was that in addition to the material from Elvis’ soundtracks, it included the recent hit single “Burning Love” and its B-side “It’s A Matter Of Time“.
These two songs were the only positive aspect of the LP, since once again an unsuccessful cover along with the poor selection of songs (in most cases), did not presage that Elvis would achieve any success. Surprisingly, perhaps motivated by having these two recent and successful songs, this LP achieved initially high sales (over 700,000 copies) and reached number 22 on the Billboard charts. Currently this LP is classified by the RIAA as double platinum.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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