April 29, 1955: Elvis, Holly, Cash & Perkins
APRIL 29, 1955
Holly’s friend Ben Hall filmed these four artists on Super8 in Lubbock, Texas on April 29, 1955.
Hall, also a musician, would work with Holly and co-wrote the song ‘Blue Days Black Nights‘.
In the footage, they are seen hanging out at the Cotton Club in Lubbock.

Johnny Cash: “…the first time I saw Elvis was singing from the bed of a truck at the grand opening of Katz’s Drugstore on Lamar Avenue, with two or three hundred people, mostly teenagers, who had come to see him,” Johnny recalled.
“..with only one single under his belt, he sang those two songs over and over again. That’s the first time I saw him.
Vivian and I approached him after the show and he invited us to his next date at Eagle’s Nest, a club promoted by Sleepy-Eyed John, the disc jockey who took his name from the Merle Travis song and had just become as important as Dewey Phillips in bringing Sun’s music to the world.”
Adding: “…I remember Elvis’ show at the Eagle’s Nest like it was yesterday.
The date was a huge mistake, because the place was an older people’s club, where teenagers were not welcome, so Vivian and I were two of a dozen customers, fifteen at most.
Anyway, I thought Elvis was cool.
He sang “That’s All Right Mama” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” once more, plus some black blues songs and a few numbers like “Long Tall Sally,” and didn’t say much.
He didn’t have to, of course; his charisma alone kept everyone’s attention.
However, what I really noticed that night was his guitar playing. “Elvis was a fabulous rhythm guitarist.”
Source: Concertarchives.org
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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