Edited 01-May-1974. Single, Stax Studios Memphis
- Help Me
- If You Talk In Your Sleep
Reference: APBO-0280
A-Side: If You Talk In Your Sleep
Recording: December 11, 1973 Stax Studios, Memphis, Tennessee
Author: Red West & Johnny Christopher
B-Side: Help Me
Recording: December 12, 1973 Stax Studios, Memphis, Tennessee
Author: Larry Gatlin
Publication date: May 2, 1974
Released in May 1974, If You Talk In Your Sleep / Help Me was one of Elvis’ best singles of the 1970s. These two songs would later also appear on the 1975 LP “Promised Land“. Both songs were recorded at the sessions held at Stax Studios in Memphis in December 1973, just one day apart.
If You Talk In Your Sleep was a new contribution from his friend Red West together with Johnny Christopher. They created a funky song, very fashionable at that time. By December 1973, Elvis had regained his appetite for creating music, and those sessions were very productive, and full of vitality. This song is a clear example, with a voice in top form and the song perfectly executed. Even the arrangements that were made later improved the song from its original state.
For the B-side, the song Help Me, by composer Larry Gatlin, was used. It is a country song in which the artist’s situation is again associated with the lyrics. Elvis liked the song and he did it in one take. It has always been said that Elvis sang it on his knees and practically without lights in the studio.
In commercial terms, for this single RCA decided to invest in some publicity for its artist, and the truth is that it did not go badly, since the single reached a creditable 17th place on the Billboard charts. As for sales, these did not improve much, not reaching 200,000 copies.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain. http://www.clubelvis.org

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