My Favorite Photo Of Elvis… Ed Bonja
Ed Bonja: “…my favorite photo of Elvis was taken on the first tour, in September 1970. The closing day of that tour was in Mobile, Alabama, and after the show, we put all the people from the show home on the plane; the Colonel had flown home earlier on his own Learjet.
Elvis was using a British made plane, BAC 1-11, I’d never been in a custom plane like that. Tom Diskin, my uncle and I were going to fly back to Los Angeles on Elvis’ plane, which was very exciting for me. In the back of the plane there was a couch on each side of the island, and then there was a bathroom in the back of the plane and I was sitting in the back next to my uncle.
Elvis finally arrived and signed autographs downstairs and kissed a lot of girls who were friends of the security people who let them in to meet Elvis and then finally went upstairs. He went back to where the bathroom was and said “I have to wash my face, it’s hot up there” and went in to wash his face.
When the door opened and he walked out and closed the door, I grabbed my camera to take a picture of him and as nice as Elvis is, he wasn’t facing me so he turned a little bit to face me so I got a nice picture of him from the front.
I took this photo of him, in which you can see his white suit and a cigar in his hand, he was smoking those cigars, like little cigarillos.
To this day, this is my favorite photo and probably my favorite memory of Elvis.”
Source: DVD “Elvis, The Colonel And Me”
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina

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