“Bossa Nova Baby” is a delicious musical nonsense and one of the biggest “guilty sins” for every Elvis fan in the position of vindicating the idol against the skeptics.
What the hell is it? Everything except a bossa nova, the delicate Brazilian musical style that drove the world crazy at that time. The aesthetic principles that defined Elvis until that moment are barely visible. It has some Bo Diddley-style rock, buried under burst piñatas that spread their filling of reconstructed Latin rhythms, mariachi trumpets and lyrics written with the bloodstream loaded with hallucinogens; It even served as the basis for a famous parody in Spain, that “Amatoma” by Florentino Fernández.
Why, then, is it such a good song (at least for me)? Why, when you listen to it, do you have to do it more than once (that’s what I do)? Well, because, like ourselves and our passage through the world, it is an accumulation of contradictions that, seen with the proper perspective, becomes a beautiful harmony of colors, textures, aromas and flavors; It is an explosion of joy, disinhibition and self-conscious revelry, which life gives you when life itself insists on taking it away from you with everyday filth.
Elvis sings and dances as if his life depended on it and the work as a whole is a sensation of jalapeño heat, which pushes us to smile, relax the spiritual rictus, pour ourselves another glass of something that makes us drunk and enjoy everything that It is given to us after every sunrise.
Article written and provided by Mahnuel Muñoz

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