On October 31, 1957, Elvis attended a Halloween party in Hollywood, hosted by famed clothing designer Sy Devore, at Lucy’s New Orleans Restaurant in Los Angeles.
Elvis, in a bright red sweater and a gold mask, showed up at the party with actress Joan Bradshaw, Joan was also a model and she managed to achieve great social recognition when she arrived with Elvis at the party.
Among the attendees were many celebrities, including Gloria Pall, model and actress, and actresses Jeanne Carmen and Allison Hayes, who appear with Elvis in the photos.

George Klein tells us an amusing anecdote: Apparently the party was pretty amazing even by Hollywood standards. When he entered one of the party rooms he saw a costume that topped them all: Nat King Cole was dressed as Elvis!!!!.
Elvis and George always loved Nat’s music and approached him to introduce himself. Nat was extremely nice, and when he heard that he was with Elvis, Nat said that he wanted to meet him. George went looking for Elvis, and at first it was very difficult to keep him away from so many pretty girls. But as soon as George told him how Nat King Cole dressed, Elvis asked George to take him to meet Nat. George said that he would never forget the scene at that Carnival, Elvis standing there talking to “Nat King Cole Presley.”

Elvis was a good customer at the prestigious clothing store of Devore, the most elegant tailor in Hollywood. The store sold custom, handmade suits. Devore was almost as famous as the legends he wore: Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Bing Crosby, Jerry Lewis, Spencer Tracy, Peter Lawford, Nat King Cole, President John F. Kennedy, Sammy Davis Jr… All the famous people bought in Devore!
In the late 1950s it was so prestigious that Bob Hope said of him “…in a really good year I can choose between buying a Rolls, a house in Beverly Hills, or a Sy Devore suit.”

After the tailor passed away in 1966, his family continued the business. In fact, Sy Devore still has its doors open on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, Los Angeles, California. There you can still see the autographed custom notes of Elvis, Nat King Cole or Sammy Davis Jr., notes that once hung in the Hollywood store, when Elvis was a loyal customer of Devore.

Now, decades later, the name Sy Devore is still synonymous with true Hollywood glamour.
Happy Halloween!!!! Don’t do too much witchcraft !!!!??
Information provided by Rosa Garcia Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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