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Elvis and the Judge Gooding


“…they convinced me that no teenager was safe around Elvis Presley,” Judge Gooding recorded years later. 

“…they wanted me to watch him in the theater and they wanted me to watch his hotel room. They portrayed him as a true villain.

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 In his office, the judge saw Elvis and his manager who would be present at the first show and who had prepared arrest warrants accusing him of “harming the morality of minors.” 

After the meeting, Elvis told reporters, “...I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. My mother approves of what I’m doing.

 The judge attended the first show at 3:30 PM.

Judge Gooding

 On Stage, Elvis opened with his current hit, “Heartbreak Hotel,” and stuck his hips out once. “…I’m going to put him in jail,” he whispered. Gooding to the lawyer in the theater. 

But then Elvis caught himself and it depends a bit. “…I can’t do this,” Elvis told the audience. To everyone’s astonishment, instead of shaking, waddling, and jumping, Elvis stood completely still. 

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He then moved her little finger suggestively instead of her usual movements. This thrilled the crowd, who found “the finger” funny and deeply erotic; Elvis continued with the finger twitching movements for the remainder of the concert. 

So Judge Gooding’s wife, the Goodings’ three daughters and their girlfriends watched as Elvis waved his finger suggestively at the concert.

Elvis and the Judge Gooding

 They roared as Elvis dedicated “Hound Dog” to the judge, and after the concert, Elvis told June (who hadn’t been able to make it that day): “…honey, you should have been there. Every time D.J. [Elvis’ drummer] did his thing on the drums, I wagged my finger and the girls went crazy. I’ve never heard screams like that in my entire life. I showed those motherfuckers, call me tacky,” and then, to lighten the mood, Elvis put June’s panties over his head and walked around the room. 

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Elvis performed all six concerts at the Florida Theater on August 10 and 11 with no pelvic movements or twists, just the “sexy” flick of his little finger. But what about Elvis himself? Did Elvis leave the Florida Theater with any kind of upset or angry feeling? 

Well, after Elvis’s sixth show and final performance in Jacksonville on August 11, Elvis had a little message for the good judge and his cronies, according to Juanico.

“…Elvis always said at the end: ‘thank you very much’. But he said: ‘…f*ck, f*ck you very much”.

Judge Gooding

 Everyone was screaming, but he did it twice, he looked at me and smiled.” 

June couldn’t believe what she had heard. I couldn’t believe Elvis had said those words right on stage, in front of everyone. 

After the concert, once they were alone, June asked Elvis if he had heard him correctly. 


Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina


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