…it’s amazing how many photos were taken of me and Elvis during the 4 1/2 years we lived together, since there were no iPhones then!
Most of the photos were taken by paparazzi or fans. If you want to know who spent the most time with Elvis in the last years of his life, just scan the photos.
A few other “friends” may have stopped by and had photos taken once or twice, but they were just passing through.
I was his partner during those years.
I’ve been showing up at a few Elvis events this year and can’t wait to share my best memories at Graceland’s “Elvis week” in August.
Elvis has the best and most loyal fans in the world, and I hope to see many of you there!
Source: Linda Thompson
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina http://2001elvisfanclubargentina.blogspot.com/p/principal.html