When Elvis and his band played their shows at the Florida Theater in Jacksonville, Florida, on August 10, 1956, police were present, some using movie cameras.
Some police officers were also sitting in the orchestra pit in front of the stage during performances, presenting a sort of “Maginot line” of defense to prevent screaming teenagers from storming the stage during Elvis’ last song.
Throughout the proceedings, for the most part, Elvis refrained from making wild turns as ordered by the judge, who was present along with some members of the citizen committee.

Judge Gooding was also reportedly pleased with the proceedings. But later, Elvis, who claimed to be upset by the whole controversy, explained to reporters that he didn’t do “dirty body movements.”
In late August, after Elvis performed in Jacksonville, Life magazine also included the controversy in an article it did about Elvis. In the upper right corner of that cover was a headline announcing the Elvis story: “The Impact of Elvis Presley.”
Life presented Elvis’ story like this:
“…bringing his audience to the point of hysteria as he howls his songs, Elvis Presley, disturbing variation on the teen idol.”

All six of Elvis Presley’s performances in Jacksonville were sold out during the two-day period. As Life put it: “…Elvis left town with deeper pockets and followed by the prayers of devout citizens.”
On September 9, 1956, a few weeks after the Jacksonville shows, Elvis appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show for the first time and, from that moment on, his stardom skyrocketed to irrepressible national and international attention.
Source: pophistorydig.com/Elvis Today Magazine
Book ELVIS PRESLEY – The Son of America
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