Elvis Presley and Diana Goodman.

Promoting her new book, Elvis’ girlfriend in 1975 Diana Goodman has been publicizing her story.
Diana Goodman, the Southern belle who became Miss Georgia USA and would later appear in the popular variety show “Hee Haw,” revealed how her life forever changed in the new book “Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights.”

Before Goodman made her mark on TV she was involved in a passionate affair with Elvis Presley that ended in heartbreak.
The then-25-year-old first met Elvis shortly after she became Miss Georgia in 1975 and was visiting Memphis on a media trip for the pageant.
In the book, Goodman candidly described how she was easily captivated by the rock ’n’ roll icon.
Diana Goodman and Elvis Presley.

And while Presley couldn’t resist the blonde beauty from the Deep South, he had specific requirements for his special lady.
“I Like Long Hair,” Elvis allegedly told Goodman. “I like long nails too. But you know what I don’t like? Jeans. You see, growing up, we were real poor and the only kind of clothes my mama and daddy could afford to buy me were dungarees, so blue jeans remind me of that, and I don’t like thinking about being poor, so I’d rather see you in something else when we’re together.”
And while Elvis was “a creature of the night,” his days away from the stage were surprisingly ordinary, involving pancakes with along with a generous serving of “The Price is Right.”
The relationship ultimately came to an end after the singer planned on sending Goodman back home temporarily while he focused on his non-stop schedule without distractions.
Diana Goodman and Elvis Presley.
Still, Elvis allegedly checked in on Goodman while he was away.
But Elvis ultimately moved on to a new girlfriend, 20-year-old Ginger Alden, who later became his fiancée.
“Elvis was so larger than life, He was hard to put together. The superman and the reality of him as a human being. Although she knew he was probably killing himself with the unhealthy life he lived… there was something supernatural about him. So you certainly didn’t expect death.”
Goodman claimed there was no sense of closure.

Source: elvisinfonet.com
Information provided by: Linda Zabriskie Johnson.
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