By Club Elvis Spain
EDITED JAN 26, 1956

Reference: 20/47-6420
Side A: Heartbreak Hotel
Recorded: January 10, 1956, RCA studios in Nashville, Tennessee
Author: Mae Boren Axton, Thomas Durden, Elvis Presley
Side B: I Was The One
Recorded: January 11, 1956, RCA studios in Nashville, Tennessee
Author: Aaron Schroeder, Bill Peppers, Claude Demetrius, Hal Blair
Publication date: January 27, 1956
A note published in the local written press in which a suicidal man described his bitter melancholy served as inspiration for Thomas Durden and Mae Boren Axton to compose Elvis Presley‘s first hit and their launching pad towards stardom. That January 10, 1956, Elvis entered an RCA recording studio for the first time, specifically in Nashville, to record his first songs with his new company. Backed by musicians like his old colleagues Scotty and Bill Black, on this occasion he was joined by Chet Atkins on guitar, DJ Fontana on drums and Floyd Cramer on piano. The backing vocals were provided by The Jordanaires (Gordon Stoker, Ben Speer and Brock Speer); Bob Ferris in charge of sound and Steve Sholes as producer. The arrangements made by Presley in the recording studio also earned him a co-authorship acknowledgment in the credits of the song, whose master was taken from take number 7. Heartbreak Hotel entered the charts on February 22, 1956 directly at number sixty. and eight; It would not be until April 25 when it would reach the first position on Billboard. It would be number one for seven weeks and would leave the charts on August 22. It was number 1 and number 3 on the Country and Rhythm and Blues charts respectively.
Its B-side, I Was The One, would enter the charts on February 29 and reach number twenty-three as its best position. It would remain on lists for sixteen weeks. It was number eight on the Country charts. Take number 7 was used for the master.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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