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By Rosa García Mora


Elvis’ love for cars and motor vehicles is known to everyone.

His half-brother Billy Stanley, who was the son of Vernon’s second wife Dee, inherited his passion for cars. Billy had two brothers, David and Ricky. Elvis loved his stepbrothers very much and the children adored him and shared many beautiful things together. Billy tells us how Elvis once told him:

Billy, when you get your driver’s license for the first time is when you experience true freedom… you have the freedom to go wherever you want… plus, a car is an extension of your personality… and what you drive says a lot about you…”

Billy tells us that one of the reasons we can see so many photos of Elvis in cars or driving is because he loved walking around the city… getting lost on the road wherever the road took him. “He would ask whoever was there: Let’s go for a walk?…

He just drove around… he didn’t go anywhere in particular… he just went wherever the car would take him… the feeling of freedom of the open road is what he really loved.

Elvis always loved freedom, and he got that feeling by driving aimlessly… wherever the asphalt took him and wherever he could feel that he really was free… even if it was only for a few ephemeral moments…

Currently, the then little Billy is today a car driver.

Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12

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