On January 6, 1957, Elvis made his third and last appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” It is in this appearance that Elvis is seen only from the waist up. It is curious that after all of his appearances on television during the previous year, this censorship occurred at this time and also when the contract that was signed made it clear that no censorship could be carried out. It’s especially funny that this pattern is also maintained during Elvis’ performance of the gospel “Peace in the Valley,” one of the five songs he will perform during this show. Ed Sullivan helps dispel some of the controversy surrounding Elvis when he comes onstage to thank him for his performance, telling the studio audience and millions of American television viewers that “this is a good guy and decent,” and that it has been a pleasure working with him on the show.
Ed Sullivan is the most influential person in television and one of the most powerful people in the television industry at that time. As it could not be otherwise, the tours, recording sessions, and album releases, accompanied by controversy and publicity, continued.

That same month, Elvis begins production on his second film, “Loving You.” Loving You was the first film that Elvis would make for Paramount Pictures producer Hal. B Wallis. The movie turned out to be somewhat better than “Love Me Tender.” By 1957, Elvis, thinking about his image on the big screen, decided to dye his hair black since he considered it could benefit him and at the same time make him look a little like his idol like Tony Curtis.
In February, the New York Times published an article titled, “Presley Records in the Soviet Union.” Elvis’ songs were not available for legal reasons in the Soviet Union. The article talked about pirate recordings being sold in Leningrad on the market. black worth fifty rubles (about twelve and a half dollars), a significant sum of money at that time.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain
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