The day music was born
By Mahnuel Muñoz
On February 4, 1956, Elvis Presley and his group made their second appearance on the Dorsey brothers’ “Stage Show,” to set the screens on fire with their resounding versions of “Baby, Let’s Play House” and “Tutti Frutti.” .
Although the audience data dropped compared to the first performance on January 28 and could not surpass the leader of music television at the time, Perry Como, the program was confirmation that the revolution had begun and was unstoppable.
Elvis was the greatest exponent of rock and roll, the musical genre that had changed everything abruptly, and his appearance through the monitors installed in millions of American homes, in a space directed by two of the kings of the era of swing, shocked society in different ways, arousing furious criticism from the most reactionary conservatives and inspiring future stars of the song.
If February 3 commemorates “the day music died,” February 4, 1956 could well be considered the day music was born as it was understood during the rock era.
Article written and provided by Mahnuel Muñoz
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