Priscilla, now 17 years old, lands in the US from Germany to visit Elvis. This will be the first time Priscilla has seen Elvis since he left Germany two years earlier. Much of the time will be spent in Las Vegas. He will return to Germany at the end of August. Priscilla’s parents have tried to prevent the trip, given their daughter’s age, and the fear that something might happen to her, but Priscilla’s desire to see Elvis again ends up winning.
On the other hand, on August 28, 1962, the recording of the soundtrack and filming of his 12th film, “It Happened At The World’s Fair” for Metro Goldwyn Mayer, begins. Recorded in Hollywood and with the exteriors and setting in the premises of the Seattle World’s Fair.
At the same time, the film “Kid Galahad” is released nationally on August 29, 1962 with a good reception that makes it be for a short time in the top 10 in the lists of the highest grossing films.
In October 1962, in Mexico, riots at a theater showing the movie “G.I. Blues” forced the Mexican government to ban Elvis movies. Seats, windows, and other damage were broken in that theater.
On December 19, 1962, Priscilla returns again to visit Elvis and spend the Christmas holidays in Memphis. It will stay until mid-January. It seems more and more likely that Priscilla will end up living with Elvis permanently.
“Girls! Girls! Girls!” made its official premiere on November 21, 1962 reaching #6 (the week of the premiere) and #31 by the end of the year in the variety rankings. The movie soundtrack hits #3 and the single “Return to Sender” hit #2 with sales of over a million copies, earning a new gold record for Elvis. By 1962, Elvis has three movies between them. Top 40 box office hits “Blue Hawaii” at #14, “Girls! Girls! Girls!” at #31 and “Kid Galahad” at #37.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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