Elvis records the soundtrack for his 17th film, titled “Girl Happy“, which features Shelley Fabares and former Miss United States, Mary Ann Mobley, as main co-stars. “Viva Las Vegas” opens nationwide on June 17, 1964 and reaches #14 on the list of highest-grossing films. It is one of the best Elvis films of the time, thanks in part to the great duo formed by Elvis and the explosive Ann Margret as well as the theme of the film set in the gambling city of Las Vegas.
For the soundtrack, the songs provided are of higher quality than those presented for “Kissin’ Cousins“, which also improves the film. By the end of the year, the film is ranked #11 at the box office, surpassing The Beatles in their film “A Hard Day’s Night.” It becomes the most successful film of Elvis’ career.

On September 21, 1964 Elvis became “Special Sheriff” for Shelby County.
Elvis begins filming his 18th film, “Tickle Me” on October 6, 1964. The soundtrack has no new recordings. It is decided to take previously published recordings apparently to keep production costs to a minimum. Filming will continue until November 24, 1964.
“Roustabout” premieres nationally in November 1964, peaking at #8 at the box office. The soundtrack, which like Viva Las Vegas will represent some of Elvis’ best film music in a while. All of this translates into album charts where it will reach #1. It will be the last LP to reach number 1 in the USA until 1973 with the publication of the LP “Aloha From Hawaii“.
Elvis is the sixth highest-grossing star of 1964. At the same time, the single “Blue Christmas / Wooden Heart” reaches #1 on the Christmas charts. By the end of 1964, Colonel Parker renegotiated contracts for future films with both United Artists and MGM. The agreements, with salary and a percentage of profits, allow Elvis to earn a salary of $1,000,000 per film.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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