Metro Goldwyn Mayer decides to extend Elvis’s contract to make four more films. The company is satisfied with the profits that Elvis’s films bring to it, so the contract with MGM will expire in 1968. At this time Elvis decides to make plans to expand Graceland with what is now known as the trophy room to accommodate racing cars. On January 22, 1966, with a heavy snowfall in Memphis, Elvis and Priscilla, along with their friends, build a huge snowman in the front yard.
In February Elvis records the soundtrack for what will be his 22nd film, “Spinout” for Metro Goldwyn Mayer, co-starring Shelley Fabares. It is at this time that Elvis, partly frustrated by how his career is developing, renews His interest in music, after years of being focused on his film contracts, prompts him to buy a lot of new equipment and spend his free time working on music at home with Red West and Charlie Hodge. especially interested in the Folk music that was performed at that time. Also around that time he acquired a new Greyhound bus, which was customized to Elvis’ taste by George Barris.

“Frankie and Johnny” premiered nationally on March 30, 1966 and not exactly with good reviews. The film’s soundtrack does not even reach the Top 10, remaining in position #20.
On May 25, 1966, Elvis met his new producer, Felton Jarvis, and they began to work on what would be his new gospel album “How Great Thou Art.” The last time Elvis set foot in a recording studio to record songs not related to soundtracks dates back to early 1964 (recording in Nashville of the songs Ask Me – Memphis Tennessee – It’s Hurts Me). Elvis in these sessions is especially excited to work with one of his mentors Jake Hess and his group The Imperials.
In his return to routine, on September 6, 1966, Elvis recorded the soundtrack and began filming “Double Trouble.” The film “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” premiered on July 6, 1966. By the end of the year will be ranked #40 on the charts. The soundtrack is ranked #15 while the single “Love Letters” (from the sessions for the album How Great Thou Art) reaches #19 on the charts lists.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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