Elvis in Memphis, March 1974
By Rosa García Mora
From March 1 to 20, 1974, Elvis went on what would be his 11th tour since his return to the stage in 1969.
The concerts on March 16 and 17 took place at the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis. These performances marked his return to the stage in Memphis after many years. Elvis had not performed at home since 1961; on this occasion, he offered four performances in two days to satisfy the great public demand that wanted to see his idol.
His audience reacted to the artist’s magic, almost as if the clock had stopped in 1961. His fans cheered, applauded, screamed and adored him as if not a single minute had passed.
But Elvis would return to Memphis again on the 20th to give the last concert of the tour, also at the Mid-South Coliseum at 8:30; and from this concert came another magnificent live album resulting from Elvis’ performance on that day: “Elvis Recorded Live On Stage in Memphis”.
But what is so special about this album? Well, the most beautiful thing for an artist, apart from the recognition of his public, is the recognition with the great distinction awarded by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the USA, which recognizes especially outstanding achievements in the music industry, as an act of honor and respect for the musical merits of the artist: Winning his third Grammy Award for his live performance of the gospel song “How Great Thou Art,” and also the third for a recording of sacred music, the music that Elvis loved so much. So he could not have been more proud to receive these three awards for three recordings of gospel music.
A good album with a magnificent, heartfelt and well-known interpretation of the song “How Great Thow Art”.
Let us remember that Elvis received 14 Grammy nominations from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS), and won 3 Grammys for Gospel recordings:
– Album How Great Thou Art (1967)
– Album He Touched Me (1972)
– Song How Great Thou Art, recorded live in Memphis (1974).
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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