By Rosa García Mora
In this song, Elvis gives us a beautiful ode to his longing for home, where the purple mountains rise to the highest point, wanting to touch the sky.
The man who returns home, never to leave again.
A song to that proud wild land that has always been a part of him.
And in her voice you can see those purple mountains, that desert sand that looks like gold, and feel her joy on the way home.
The song was composed by the great Joy Byers, who composed some of Elvis’ most beautiful songs and worked with him on many occasions, giving him magnificent and unforgettable songs.
Elvis recorded “Going Home” on January 15, 1968 at RCA Studio B in Nashville, and it was first released on the album for the film “Speedway.”
It was originally recorded for the movie “Stay Away Joe,” but was ultimately left out. This song was to be used over the opening credits of the movie, but another gem came along: “Stay Away,” and “Going Home” was scrapped, eventually finding its way, as a bonus, to the soundtrack LP for the movie “Speedway.”
During the early hours of that freezing cold January 15th, in the recording studio, Elvis was unable to concentrate, he was distracted, he was singing lines from other songs capriciously, he couldn’t even get past the first verse of the song, he just laughed and joked. It took 30 attempts to get a valid take. In the end he decided to go home, since continuing to work that night was pointless, and it would be better to leave the work for the next day.
Despite these difficulties, he left us another of his hidden gems, which, for me, was undervalued.
I love this song. Its lyrics and melody are wonderful. Every time I listen to it, it makes me feel the joy, the happiness and the beauty that Elvis transmits to us; it makes me breathe the fresh air of his land, of his home…
and transports me to her through her impeccable, heartfelt and fresh interpretation.
“This proud and wild land, where the wind blows free
It has always been a part of me
It’s in my blood, I can’t help it
A man can see hundreds of miles
And be as wild as you want to be
If you want to scream, all you have to do is scream…
…I’m coming home and this time I’m staying
I’m coming home and I’ll never leave again…”
And as I always tell you, put on your headphones if you want, click on the song link and you will fly wherever Elvis wants to take you…wherever he takes you by the hand, go with him, because you will breathe a comforting breath of fresh air that will take you home.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora. https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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