I Got Lucky
Edited 30-Sep-1971
Album, Studio B RCA Nashville – Radio Recorders
- I Got Lucky
- You Gotta Stop
- The Love Machine
- Riding The Rainbow
- Fools Fall In Love
- Yoga Is As Yoga Does
- What A Wonderful Life
- I Need Somebody To Lean On
- Home Is Where The Heart Is
- If You Think I Don’t Need You
I Got Lucky was released in October 1971. It was a new LP on the Camden (RCA) label. It was another LP of older Elvis material focused on the movies. The material here had never been released before on LP. The theme of movie songs had already been started that same year on the LP “C’Mon Everybody” and it would not be the last release. In some ways it seemed as if little by little with these releases the entire Elvis catalog was being reissued.
“I Got Lucky” reached number 104 on the Billboard charts and had initial sales of 100,000 copies. Curiously and as happened with “C’Mon Everybody” sales in the following years increased until it achieved the status it has today, that of platinum record awarded by the RIAA.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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